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We have Provided clean water to Poor and needy for lifelong

Hundreds of people are suffering from lack of water facility. Many have benefited through our free bore well projects. We provide a reliable, sustainable water supply and good quality water that is free of sediment and contaminants. it only shows how God turns these projects to life-changing and soul-winning situations.

Some of our Poor and needy churches do not have access to clean, safe water. So many People are at risk of deadly disease every single day because they don’t have any bore well nearer to them. They are all walking several miles to get clean water to drink, bathe, do their dishes and laundry.

We set a target the Bore wells to poor and persecuted Churches in Andhraparadesh State, who need water to drink clean water and so far we have built three. A well costs $800 to $1400 (Depends on Location) to build and it provides clear water for Hundred above people for Lifelong! Your kind and wonderful support goes a very long way to keep many of our poor tribal people, orphan kids and widows to keep them away from starving and thirsting.


I would appreciate each and every donation you are able to make, no matter how small, it helps to do more lords work in India. Please also spread my page on Facebook, twitter, email, church groups, etc. I appreciate your help! What Ever the Amount that You want to send for the propose of Drinking water. Do it in His name your Kind and Wonderful Support will useful to Everyone in our congregations (including children, orphans, and elderly) will Drink Clean water everyday. It is our intention and prayer to reach out to the needs of our less fortunate in the rural areas who are facing drought.

                               ''Matthews 25:35. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink''

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